Selena Gomez Caught Taking A Nude Selfie

Selena Gomez nude selfie

Selena Gomez was caught on camera taking a nude selfie in her bedroom in the disturbing photo above.

Selena is clearly trying to be “meta” by posing for a nude photo while taking a nude photo, so hopefully she will appreciate the irony when us Muslims put her in an orange jumpsuit and film a video of the executioner filming a video of her beheading for this most brazen crime against Islam.

For Selena Gomez has once again greatly offended us pious Muslims by showcasing her vile and sinful nude female body, and she must pay for her crimes. As long as the West continues to harbor degenerate sluts like Selena who defy the teachings of the blessed Prophet by peddling their blasphemous bare flesh in photos such as this one, there can be no peace with us true Islamic warriors. For we would gladly lay down our lives to ensure that one day future generations can live in a world were every inch of wicked female skin is hidden away under a burka.

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