Katy Perry Dyes Her Hair Green, Poses Topless

Katy Perry topless

Pop star Katy Perry exhibits some of her famously slutty quirkiness by dying her hair bright green and showing off her tits in the topless photo above.

Katy has made quite a career for herself from fancifully prostituting her bulbous breasts, and it appears as though she won’t stop drawing from that well any time soon.

Of course there are two things that could immediately put an end to Katy Perry’s whimsical whoring. The first is that Katy suddenly becomes self-reflective, and she comes to the realization that she is not a teenage Japanese girl and that there is more to life then lip-syncing in push-up bras. The second and much more appealing option is that us righteous Muslims get our hands on Katy and give her a taste of Sharia justice. After her first flogging Katy will quickly realize that she does not live in Candy Land and showing off her immodestly busty bosom was not a good idea.

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